Are you a traveller looking to share your travel experiences with fellow travellers?
Great! Join the FoFaFiFl Club!
We are excited to hear about your travel escapades!

FoFaFiFl only publishes blogs of minimum 500 words with supporting photographs, which would help fellow travellers plan their trips. To submit a blog, email it to with attached photographs and a short bio.

Submission policies for FoFaFiFl
  • FoFaFiFl will not accept duplicate content. All posts must be newly created content specifically for FoFaFiFl, which is not (and will not be) posted elsewhere.
  • Posts must be in English, easy to read and have proper grammar.
  • FoFaFiFl reserves the right to alter, revise or otherwise tailor submissions to suit the taste of the readers. This includes adding affiliate, modifying or deleting links.
  • High Quality original photographs are preferred. If not available, stock photographs with proper creative commons licenses from Flickr can be used. If you are using stock photographs, they must be from and the links of each must be sent to us so we can properly credit the same.  All images must be kept to 1200px width by 800px height with 150 DPI resolution for quick uploading. Photographs submitted could be used to promote the blog on social media.
  • FoFaFiFl does not provide copyright protection or accept copyright ownership and only retains publishing rights.
  • Your blogs may take several days or even weeks for it to be published, depending on the blog schedule and editing requirements.
  • Guest submissions on FoFaFIFl are for other travellers only. All posts will include a blogger bio and will link to your website/social profile, but no commercial backlinks will be published. If you’re a company or independent contractor and seeking a sponsored post write to

If you are interested in acquiring the rights to use any of the photographs that you see on this website, please visit our Shutterstock portfolio by clicking here.